
Meet Jackie Maker

Jacquelyn “Jackie” Maker

Jackie serves as founder and president of Jackiemaker.com, a specialized business development, planning, and coaching firm headquartered in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

Jackie Maker founded jackiemaker.com which impacts organizations by implementing all types of market research information in order to develop specific, targeted marketing approaches, plans, and strategies for organizations.  Jackie Maker’s clients include local companies and non-profit organizations.  Jackie Maker has developed a reputation for creating lasting change for clients by innovating solving problems for clients and implementing growth.

Jackie Maker has worked closely with new businesses and mature organizations both small and large and has functioned as a business coach, manager, negotiator, facilitator, and strategic planner for small and large organizations.

Jackie sits on the board for W.I.N. (Women’s Impact Network) of North Idaho and is a long-time volunteer for the Union Gospel Mission Spokane.
Jackie Maker is a popular lecturer for local business groups and guest instructor at the University of Idaho’s Executive Leadership development program, Whitworth University teaching program, Moody Bible Institute Spokane Chapel, and Union Gospel Mission Women’s Recovery Program.

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Jackie’s Other Business

Jackie Maker Designs